
White Mask Ninjas by Masumi Taguchi

When in Japan I saw countless people wearing white masks. The Japanese citizens generally wore the masks for health reasons: to protect either themselves or others around them from sickness. Coming from a land where nobody wears masks even when sick, it fascinated me to see so many people wearing masks as the norm. 

During my trip I got to travel around southern Japan and central Japan. Wherever I went, there were still so many people wearing white masks. About halfway into my trip an association between these Japanese individuals and their masks popped up in my mind. These Japanese people... some having ninjas as their ancestors, must be ninjas in hiding! 

From that point on in my trip these people were all white masks ninjas. Some were camouflaging themselves as students, businessmen, but when needed were ready to perform their ninja duty. For the rest of my trip I observed these ninjas with awe and wonder. At one point in my trip I purchased some masks myself and tried to train parkour in it. That was a terrible idea. 





M Kat

Self-Portrait: Double Exposure by Masumi Taguchi

It had been a while since creating a double exposure shot. I received inspiration to create one again after recently seeing a beautiful double exposure image created by one of my favorite photographers @bykikili. 

The following are the two images which were combined to create the image you see:

Self-portrait: My husband generously spared a few minutes to take a photo of me indoors. Blank wall, and the flash was used to lighting, bouncing off of the wall.

Trees and birds shot: This was an image that I captured when in Japan a few years ago. It has sentimental value to me since Japan is where my heritage is from, and I love birds because they symbolize adventure and flight.

M Kat

The Start of my Traveling Journey by Masumi Taguchi

After years and years of wishing and dreaming, my wait to travel the world will come to an end, and my journey of world venture will begin at the beginning of next year. With a humble heart I want to express how excited I am to say that I can start living my dream of traveling the world. Camera in hand, I hope to capture even a portion of the moments that my eyes will captivate and see as living beauty.

Throughout the years growing up there have been so many discouraging thoughts run through my head in regards to going around the world but thanks to such a supportive husband and my dear friend who I couldn't do this without I'm finally beginning my journey of seeing the world. It will all begin starting in January. :) Unlike taking months-long backpacking journeys that many take these days, my trips will be visits to various places around the world. I've always been an odd-ball so I'm going with what floats my boat :).

I will definitely be blogging and possibly vlogging about it. The images that I take will be shown in full and even available for purchase here for those who feel the desire to enhance their life with a beauty they may one day see themselves. :)


This is not a post to brag and make you hate your life. For years as I've seen people post traveling photos I felt happy for them, yet also honestly I also felt jealous and sad because I wished so badly to be in their shoes. Really sad. If you are like me and wish for your dreams to come true but are feeling discouraged, let me be a testament that your dreams can indeed come true. Perhaps it will require the test of time to see if that dream is truly bright, but it will come to be lived if we have our heart set to it. During these years of dreaming, I learned over and over that we can't wait for happiness, we have to get it ourselves. I can't finish this post without thanking my Heavenly Father for blessing me with the people my life to make this all happen, because without them I won't be taking this journey. :) Love you Chadsen Kat and Joanne Huang.

Take the journey with me. My first stop is Singapore.

M Kat