portland photographer

Analog Moments: Moe by Masumi Taguchi

During these past few days Portland has been blessed with days of lovely blue skies. Did you get a chance to feel the sun rays? Here are some lovely shots I got to create with Portland dancer Moe Yamamoto

Due to gigs and meetings my trip to Australia has been pushed back to June, but this month I am planning on taking a little solo trip. Somewhere, sometime. For now I plan to keep it to myself until taking off. 

See you again, folks.

" The Circus and Me" by Masumi Taguchi

Just about a year or two ago my husband presented me with a Christmas gift that forever left me with a profound love for the circus arts today. He got me tickets to see Kurios by Cirque du Soleil.

Never having seen a circus show before, when he showed me the tickets I was jumping for joy. A month later we were in the seats in a large tent that had beautiful decorations everywhere. After getting comfortable in our chairs and ample time had been given for me to absorb almost everything I could possibly see, the show began and my admiration toward the circus artists began. Throughout the hour or two various artists performed their shows and stunts. Some flipped and jumped in the air, some bent their bodies in ways unimaginable and some shared skills that I never expected to see that night. The show was dazzling, and I fondly remember feeling like life was full of wonder, and after the show concluded there was this beaming light that was inside of me, leaving me with the feeling that there are so many wonderful things to pursue in life. As a parkour practitioner myself I have always loved and appreciated what movement does for not only your body but your soul. After Kurios I now also believe in what the movement arts does for not only the practitioner but the viewers because of my experience that January night. 

What I find so beautiful about the art of movement is how it impacts and inspires those who get to experience witnessing it. I could not deny how I felt after the show, that sense of wonder and excitement that filled me.  That strong desire to live and dare to dream more. I wanted to create through photography how watching Kurios made me feel and how it personally impacted me. The circus arts is something mysterious and engaging, incredible and also scary. It's an invitation to live an authentic life that will no doubt stand out, but it will stand out as a light. 

Thank you to the talented contortionist Marcela Bercovici for sharing her talent, as well as our little child Maddie. It was so neat seeing the two of them bond and become friends throughout the shoot.

M Kat

Self-Portrait: Double Exposure by Masumi Taguchi

It had been a while since creating a double exposure shot. I received inspiration to create one again after recently seeing a beautiful double exposure image created by one of my favorite photographers @bykikili. 

The following are the two images which were combined to create the image you see:

Self-portrait: My husband generously spared a few minutes to take a photo of me indoors. Blank wall, and the flash was used to lighting, bouncing off of the wall.

Trees and birds shot: This was an image that I captured when in Japan a few years ago. It has sentimental value to me since Japan is where my heritage is from, and I love birds because they symbolize adventure and flight.

M Kat

The Start of my Traveling Journey by Masumi Taguchi

After years and years of wishing and dreaming, my wait to travel the world will come to an end, and my journey of world venture will begin at the beginning of next year. With a humble heart I want to express how excited I am to say that I can start living my dream of traveling the world. Camera in hand, I hope to capture even a portion of the moments that my eyes will captivate and see as living beauty.

Throughout the years growing up there have been so many discouraging thoughts run through my head in regards to going around the world but thanks to such a supportive husband and my dear friend who I couldn't do this without I'm finally beginning my journey of seeing the world. It will all begin starting in January. :) Unlike taking months-long backpacking journeys that many take these days, my trips will be visits to various places around the world. I've always been an odd-ball so I'm going with what floats my boat :).

I will definitely be blogging and possibly vlogging about it. The images that I take will be shown in full and even available for purchase here for those who feel the desire to enhance their life with a beauty they may one day see themselves. :)


This is not a post to brag and make you hate your life. For years as I've seen people post traveling photos I felt happy for them, yet also honestly I also felt jealous and sad because I wished so badly to be in their shoes. Really sad. If you are like me and wish for your dreams to come true but are feeling discouraged, let me be a testament that your dreams can indeed come true. Perhaps it will require the test of time to see if that dream is truly bright, but it will come to be lived if we have our heart set to it. During these years of dreaming, I learned over and over that we can't wait for happiness, we have to get it ourselves. I can't finish this post without thanking my Heavenly Father for blessing me with the people my life to make this all happen, because without them I won't be taking this journey. :) Love you Chadsen Kat and Joanne Huang.

Take the journey with me. My first stop is Singapore.

M Kat

Five Photo Shoot Tips for Dancers by Masumi Taguchi

Many dancers who have dedicated years of their life to the art of dance may have seen beautiful photos of others dancers and thought, "I want a photo shoot too!" If you have experienced that thought, regardless of the kind of dancer you are here are five tips to help you feel ready for your photo shoot experience. 

1. Attire

The most frequent question that is asked by dancers is a question that most clients in general wonder when going into a shoot; "What should I wear?" Keep it simple. If you were shooting with me I would tell you to come in a leotard, a simple dress, or a neutral colored shirt with dark bottoms. Unless this photo shoot is for a concept that requires a unique outfit or your dance style is one that calls for outfits out of those mentioned above then especially as a minimalist dance photographer I will tell you to again, keep it simple. 

2. Location

If you have a spot that you would love to shoot at, go for it. Having said that let me tell you what I have found throughout shooting the past years: where you shoot is not as important as who you shoot. What matters far more than the location is you as the dancer, your technique and style. When you see photos on dance magazines, Instagram and Facebook which photos make you go "wow"? You may be surprised to notice that the backgrounds may be a simple backdrop or a place that does not take attention away from the dancer. The highlight is you, not the spot. If you are looking for a specific place, pick one that you would mean a lot to you, or again if this is for a concept pick a place that compliments your theme. Besides that, I would love to tell you, don't stress about it. :)

3. Time  

If you are doing a photo shoot outdoors, go with the morning. What I appreciate most with my dancers is their willingness to take on the task of waking up early to shoot in the morning. Why? I firmly believe that the natural lighting for dancers is best at that time. I hold much respect to those who prefer to shoot during the afternoon, but I love the morning clouds and also would rather know that the lighting will be nice and even for the shoot even if you run late. The risk with afternoon shoots is that if the client falls behind on schedule, you may not have time or light left. Though I have had successful shoots during the day, I would recommend mornings.



4. When am I ready?

As artists, dancers often have something to express; a message they consciously or subconsciously convey through movement. The question as to when you are ready for a shoot is up to you to decide. As a dance photographer I feel that if you have found your dance style, if you have noticed that there are specific poses that you find yourself doing, you are more than ready to have your movement be photographed. The most beautiful shots I have been privileged to take are ones when the dancers have their own poses, their own movement. It is beautiful not only because of the technique but because it holds something precious to them. I want to shoot you of course as a dancer, but I want to shoot you as a person and what you have to share.

5. General Advice?

Lastly, here are a few notes of advice to you especially if you shoot with me.

If we shoot outdoors, you know it will most likely be in the morning. Bring warm socks. Bring extremely warm socks. Also if it is in the morning be ready to make the sacrifice for yourself of waking up early. If convenience is your goal then we are not a good match! I shoot mornings for the art of photography, not so much because I like the idea of making people wake up early for the sake of waking people up early. Now if we do a studio shoot or we are shooting in an area where there is even lighting throughout most of the day (like my new area here in Portland) things will be much different and we both may get better sleep :).

Prepare ahead of time. There is nothing like going into a shoot knowing that your signature poses are refined. I will definitely help your shots be as beautiful as can be, having the perspective of a dancer myself but as a photographer I always appreciate it when clients are prepared and ready for what they are investing in.

Be ready to do improvisation. Not only is it my favorite style of dance, but some of my most successful shots have been found while the dancer was doing improv. I truly love this style of dance because it helps me see who you are, and often the best shots are done through it. 

I hope that this has helped you feel more prepared for your photo shoot. These tips I wanted to share with you not so much to feel generous on this Monday morning, but for the art of dance and my love for it. If you have any more questions feel free to drop them down below.

M Kat