
Tasmania: Hobart by Masumi Taguchi

In early June this year, I got to visit Tasmania, Australia.

For those who aren’t familiar with this place, it’s a small island off the southern coast of the country.

I will now refer to this place as “The Hidden Gem.”

My friend & I decided to spend seven days on this island together. How did we explore it? Using both a borrowed and rented car, we “started from the bottom now we’re here.” Well, more like we started from the bottom and went up north. Making four major stops, we travelled from Hobart (southern Tasmania), to the northeast side Bicheno, travelled westward to Cradle Mountain and concluded in Launceston. Those seven days were jam-packed, but it so worth it. I cannot wait to return, hopefully to explore for a longer duration.

In this post, I’d like to speak with you about the first stop: Hobart.

If you look on the map, you’ll see that Hobart is located at the south-eastern area of Tasmania. It’s a place known to witness the lesser known global phenomenon, the Southern Lights,. During our three-four day stay we sadly didn’t catch it, but ironically it appeared the day we left. That said, we saw quite a few natural wonders, and I don’t feel to have particularly missed out on anything.

Shortly upon arrival, there were a few things I instantly noticed about Hobart:

It immediately reminded me of Portland, Oregon, my favourite place in the United States.
The reasons being:

  • It was lush with nature, with beautiful autumn reds paired with lush greenery. There were hills everywhere. I guess some of us like elevation differences hey?

  • This place had personality. The people I met were quite quirky, and unique, much like the people I often met in Portland.

Like Portland Oregon, Hobart was a fairly small town that felt like it was “just the right size”, for a smaller-town lover like myself. To give you context, sometimes the inner city of Melbourne feels overwhelming with the number of people who bump into you. Hobart had many beautiful buildings and streets, but it wasn’t overwhelmingly large. Many buildings showed a mark of history through its materials used to construct the city. The urban structures had symbolisms of flow and recognition of nature.

So about the Nature.

There was stunning nature all around. Tasmania seemed to have held onto autumn longer than Melbourne. There was an array of red and orange tones spread throughout the city, like a celebration of autumn, my favourite season. It was also very hilly. Since arriving in Australia, I had been missing hilly landscapes, as I grew up in such an environment (Would you like to hear about my bike story?). Additionally, Portland had heaps of hills too. Even while driving through the city, you can enjoy the ups and downs in the roads.


The kind person who picked up my friend & myself pointed to some chickens hanging out at the roadside and casually said, “Oh those are the Robo-chooks. You can see them along the roadside a lot”. Now yes, Australia has birds they call “bin chickens” which is also hilarious, but robo-chooks had a twang that just felt a bit more like the quirky Portland vibe. These robo-chooks are so normal that a gift shop had a badge of one. If you guessed whether I bought it, yes indeed, I did. That was the beginning of noticing the cuteness of this city. Not to impose my love for Portland onto it, but the point is simply that Hobart had traits that I loved which the good ‘ol city in the U.S. did too.

I want to tell you something special about the stay in Hobart.

We haven’t discussed where my friend and I stayed during our time there, have we? Well, do you remember my Yearbook project? Yes, the awesome part of this time in Hobart was that we were hosted by a close relative of one of my Yearbook participants! Earlier this year, I got to meet a Canadian man for project Yearbook during his short, several hour gap opening while he & his wife were visiting Melbourne. Somehow he stumbled upon my Yearbook advertisement at a cafe and scheduled a Yearbook session during the time that his wife was getting a tattoo. After the photo shoot, he happened to mention that their next destination was Tasmania to visit his in-laws. Sharing that my friend and I were going to visit in June, he kindly connected me to his mother in law. I may argue that his mother in law, Christine, is one of the most generous people I’ve ever met. Best of all, she was genuine, authentic, and hilarious. So we stayed with her free of charge, she offered for us to drive one of her cars, and fed us often. What was our agreed “payment”? A board game night. She showed us an intriguing, mentally challenging and engaging game. You guys, it was so fun that I might get that game myself one day.

The places we visited in Hobart were absolutely stunning, but the most memorable part of Hobart for me was staying at Christine’s. She gave me inspiration to continue a tradition like hers one day: to become a cool, successful person who welcomes people into their home with a heart as pure as that person’s.


Asuka Visions: Relocated to Australia by Masumi Taguchi

Hello my dear Asuka Vision supporters!

For those who have not yet heard, here is my life update: Asuka Visions has moved to Australia.

At the end of last year I finally got to make the grand move to the opposite side of the world: Australia.
Although not too public about it, I have been waiting for Australia to open up since early 2021. At the end of the year, the country decided to open their border. Upon notice I gathered my belongings once again, similarly to when I moved from Oregon to New York, and took a 40 hours trip to land in Melbourne, Australia.

Writing this

today, it would be almost a month since arriving. How fast time flies. During the first week, it felt unreal. To think that at the opposite side of the world from where I grew up, there is land. Clean air, beautiful trees, majestic creatures. Life has existed my entire life, and I never knew of it. It is humbling. It is awe-inspiring.

Luckily, within the first few weeks upon arrival I made a new friend who enjoys adventures. Early New Years, she took me on a road trip along the Great Ocean Road. There she and I saw many wonderful creatures and landscapes. Of course, I photographed them on film. What a treat to have made such a sweet friend so quickly. She calls me crazy asian. She is pretty dang correct. Currently I am awaiting to receive the images back from my local film lab. Stay tuned :)

In regards to bookings,

the change in locations would evidently lead to having a new client base down here. That said for my friends up in the northern hemisphere, I am still available for travel shoots for a few months of 2022.

Asuka Visions is available for travel bookings June, July, August & December 2022.

Oregon Respite by Masumi Taguchi

It was nice to be back.

Last month I got the privilege to return to Oregon. It had been 2.5 years, and many parts of me missed it. For those who know, I came out here to New York from Portland Oregon, the closest place where I felt like was home. It felt that it was time to go, to finally venture off to new lands, as I have always wanted to, as I have always feared to do.


People always told me, “West coast, best coast.” I don’t like to believe people’s strong opinions until experiencing it myself, so I told myself that I’ll try living out in the east coast. Little did I know that I had two full years of immense growth ahead of me that were gained through many struggles, tears and laughter. During my time in New York, I often missed the relaxed, accepting and gentle vibe of the PNW. There are few places throughout my travels that I have felt that I want to return to. Portland is one of the very few places that I have and will continue to desire visiting again.


Interestingly, while being back in Portland I noticed how much I have changed - how much I have grown. The gentleness of Portland, the loving, genuine vibes were still there - the same kind I reminisced about often on the east coast. One observation I made was that, although it was lovely being back, I missed the hustle energy, the diversity, the drive of New York. I realized I have west coast vibes with an east coast drive. It was wonderful being back to and seeing old friends. This trip to me was a symbol of the growth made internally - I am a far stronger individual now. I know myself more than ever and hope to continue discovering more.

In this blog I share with you some of my memories of my trip - hope you enjoy.

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PNW, I will return to you again someday. Hopefully next time, I’ll have a bit more time to spend with you.

Model: Huijun Tan.

Portra 800, 120mm.

Asuka Visions

Warwick Minimally by Masumi Taguchi

Some views from my drive up north to see the alpacas. As a natural wanderer, I could not help but make a random stop here and there to capture the beauty I witnessed out in Warwick, New York.

Hope you enjoy.


Alpacas by Masumi Taguchi


September was my birthday, so for the first time since the pandemic I decided to give myself a mini birthday trip.

As an introvert-learning ambivert (usually I just say introvert, but some of you may get it hehe), I naturally prefer to spend time alone. So was the case for my birthday, especially this year during the COVID-19 pandemic. I decided that this year, I wanted to take myself out on a drive go see what always elates my mind: animals. So I rented a car (with my fear because driving in New York can be scary for me) and headed up north.


The alpaca farm was located in Warwick, NY. The short birthday trip was beyond worth it. This particular farm had over 30 alpacas, some including babies that were born the previous week. They were all calm, curious and quiet. In fact this farm had many other creatures including dogs, cats, chicken, etc. A lovely farm. I got to touch one of them, and let me say, they are SOFT.

I hope to find myself back up in north. That trip calmed my heart, gave me a fresh breath of air and determination.


Found More Photos from Taiwan: Part 1 by Masumi Taguchi

Good morning to you :).


I hope you are enjoying a productive and relaxing day. Last week I discovered some untouched photos from my Taiwan trip and wanted to share with you some of my favorites from this “lost file.” All of these photos were shot on 35mm film. These photos are from my visit up to the Hydrangea Flower Field in Taiwan, Taipei.

There were a large number of families, couples, and groups of friends visiting to bask in the beauty of the flowers and trees. I may have been the only person visiting alone, but when you travel solo often it isn’t a concern. As you can see some of them allowed me to photograph them. My favorite photo is on the very bottom. Explanation will be given below!


This photograph which you see here is my favorite photo from my entire trip. After visiting the Hydrangea Fields I took the bus to explore nearby areas. This was on one of the hikes (that I went on with sandals, let’s celebrate shoe diversity). I remember reaching a random hill, and I caught this duo just about to walk down together. It was another hot & humid day in Taiwan, but the the views were dreamy and the winds, comforting. They two were quiet. Seeing that she was fixing her hat, I assumed that they had just taken a break and were heading down to continue their hike. Something about capturing that moment was wonderful for me. To see this duo, assumably a daughter and father spending time together when perhaps she has other friends to choose to hang out with, or perhaps she struggles to make friends and her father wanted to give her company. We will never know, and that’s the beauty of it.

More to come :)

Taiwan Minimally by Masumi Taguchi

Hello and goooooood morning again!


Here are some minimalist views that I encountered during my hikes in Taiwan. They were breathtaking, grounding and calming all in one package. Which one is your favorite? :)

As you can see, the overall greenery there was rich with almost a blue-green hue. It’s wonderful to understand how climate affects not only lifestyles but the very colors that surround us.


My favorites are torn between the last photo and the second to last.

A little about this last image though. It was on the left side of my hiking trail. When I saw it, it felt as if time had stopped. There was nothing but myself, these long grass, and the wind wisping through it. Funny how certain moments are engrained in your memory one it has made an impact on your life.

Have you ever experienced a moment like that? Tell me about it!


Chess, One Day by Masumi Taguchi

Hello lovely people :)

The other day I got to speak to someone who is a high level chess player. He taught me a bit about the chess world and also shared some chess basics. I learned that chess games can last about seven hours. To make each move you get a certain amount of time. As the game gets deeper you get more and more limited amounts of time to decide where to place your player. Hearing these rules reminded me of everyday life. We have a cute 24 hours every day, and at the start of our day we get to choose how we want the game to go and act accordingly with the goal we set in our hearts. If we were to say, "I want to improve at X today", within each hour we get to choose how to make that goal happen. 

What do you wish for today?

"I want to smile"

"I want to tell my family I care"

"I want to cultivate better friendships"

"I want to get out of bed today"

"I want to learn a new hobby"

"I want to love"

"I want to feel okay"

Mine is "I want to speak more clearly today."
Your want is valid and important, no matter how small it may seem. 
Let's get it my Instagram friends 🌟

Model: Esther Lam


Internal Music: Picking Your Vibe by Masumi Taguchi

Let’s talk music.

Most of what we experience in life is interpreted internally. We make sense of what we experience through our own eyes, with our own heart. I believe that every person has their own special music genre narrating these moments that they encounter. The songs which play may vary depending on the day, but overall there’s a music style that vibes with a person’s life. For some of us, it may be a pop song, maybe others experience life with a bittersweet tune playing in the background, and for others perhaps rock, heavy metal music is constantly playing with each step they take. Photographers also have their own kind of interpretation of their life experiences, therefore have their own background music. They often express their own melodies through the images they create. Through their photos you can often hear the kind of song they hear. When you want to hire a photographer it is important to know whether the same kind of melody is being playing in each other’s life soundtrack.

There is something special when you find a photographer who expresses the significance of your life in the way you see it. You can think of it akin to somebody liking the same flavor of ice cream as you do: When somebody also loves your favorite flavor: caramel swirled vanilla with chocolate chip, out of the other 99 flavors out there, you don’t need to know anything else about your new friends. This person is now your best friend. Same favorite ice cream flavor: best friend. It oddly makes sense.

Having said that, sometimes you want to find a photographer in the way that you wish to see it. Some people struggle to see themselves as others do. Their life music may be melancholy but they want a photographer to show them, to become physical proof that their music can receive a healthy splash of vibrant, sweet tunes. We all have our own reasons for the music we love as well as the music we wish to try listening to. <3

So when you next look for your photographer, it is important to ask what kind of energy they are emitting through their photos. What kind of music is playing through their film, their lens? Does their photography emit fun energy or calm, tranquil energy? Does it express rebellion? Perhaps the brightness of living? Or does it make you feel sentimental and emotional? Do you feel warm and fuzzy looking at the photos, or inspired?

I’d love to hear what kind of music is playing in your life :)


Denver: Matthews by Masumi Taguchi

When in Denver Colorado earlier this month, I got to shoot on top of containers (we won’t talk about that) with my good friend Chris. What a feeling to feel the air up a little higher, and photograph your friend who recently caught on the photography bug.

Photos taken on 120mm Portra 400, developed at a new studio!

Jinguashi 35mm vs. 120mm. by Masumi Taguchi

If there’s an idiot that decides to go hiking with two heavy cameras, huge backpack and no water, in flip flops, it’s me. I literally wondered if I was going to die in the intense Taiwan humidity. As you can see, life awaited me after this hike was over (and actually unaccomplished haha).

At a certain point during this hike by idiot Masumi I decided to photograph this beautiful view with both of the cameras I had with me. The 120mm Pentax and 35mm Olympus. The first is the 120mm, which you may be able to identify because of the quality, and the second is the 35mm. On top of photo quality you may notice a color difference, which is due to the two different films which were used.

Personally I actually like the overall aesthetic of the 35mm image more. Some of us value sharpness and quality, and there are others like myself who prefer the overall feel of an image. To each their own, and that’s the beauty of expression and art!

Which is do you prefer? :)



Toronto: Birds Eye View by Masumi Taguchi

Out of all of the places that I got to visit around the world, Toronto gave the most serene views. It was beautiful, I wanted to remember it. What I wanted to remember was not so much the exact details of what my eyes saw, but rather how it made me feel. This time, instead of capturing the image as sharply as possible, I tried photographing what I saw through how I felt looking out at the land down below. Doing this reminded me of the importance of expression through photography. 

Photographing Toronto up high in the skyscraper reminded me that what matters is not what is there, but what it is to you.


Driving by Masumi Taguchi

A few sceneries that stopped my journey from Virginia to New York.

I have a habit where if I find a song that I like, I will play it for hours on end, sometimes even a day or two straight. So during my drive up I discovered a new song that I liked. So... "I Tried" was on repeat for the entire drive up a little north. Thankfully nobody else was in the car to get annoyed by it.

The main reason which I am posting this photo is because I nearly got run over for this shot.

Up next: Toronto, Canada


Assateague Island: Wild Horses by Masumi Taguchi

Last month I headed out to the east coast for a zouk congress. Since I was heading out all the way to the other side of the continent, I decided to make a trip to go just a bit further east: to Assateague Island, the land of wild horses. Wild. Beach. Horses.

One week prior to heading out to the island, the weather forecasted that the days I would stay there would be thunder storming. I had no idea how I would get photographs of these horses with film, especially in dark, gloomy, rainy weather. I wondered whether I would be spending my time and finance to get zero pictures of the horses. 

The days approaching my visit to the island came near, and on the night driving out to Virginia near Chincoteague Island, I indeed drove amongst many beautiful streaks of lightning. It was definitely thunder storming. Super dark. 

I was doomed.

The next day arrived, the day that I would spend seeking out the horses. Somehow, the thunderstorm was gone. The sky showed a beautiful blue with sunshine. In fact, too much sunshine. It was so hot haha. So hot that I was worried it would affect my film. Yes it was hot, sticky weather but at the very least, my chances of getting photos taken significantly increased. In regards to the weather I told myself, "I'll take it."

I first visited Chincoteague Island, hearing that the horses are there as well. No horses, but beautiful scenery. After inquiring I found out that the horses come out during the sunrise and sunset (can you tell I don't plan trips very well?), so I headed up north to Assateague Island to catch them for sunset.

For a while I didn't see many horses. Definitely none on the beach like I saw pictures of on Google. I decided to lounge around, hang out for a bit and practice being patient. "Don't take too many pictures." "Wait until sunset." Switching to medium format, I really had to be careful with how many photos I took. A few hours after hanging out and getting sweatier, sunset finally arrived. The wait was worth it. I headed out to the beach, and bam. Horses on the beach. It was one of the most beautiful things I've witnessed. It was so serene. The horses sitting on the beach was such a majestic thing to see, so graceful, so powerful, so beautiful. At that moment life made sense. Moments like these are what I live for, what I travel for.

Except this one. Negative grace points for this one haha.

More photos soon, my traveling friends.


White Mask Ninjas by Masumi Taguchi

When in Japan I saw countless people wearing white masks. The Japanese citizens generally wore the masks for health reasons: to protect either themselves or others around them from sickness. Coming from a land where nobody wears masks even when sick, it fascinated me to see so many people wearing masks as the norm. 

During my trip I got to travel around southern Japan and central Japan. Wherever I went, there were still so many people wearing white masks. About halfway into my trip an association between these Japanese individuals and their masks popped up in my mind. These Japanese people... some having ninjas as their ancestors, must be ninjas in hiding! 

From that point on in my trip these people were all white masks ninjas. Some were camouflaging themselves as students, businessmen, but when needed were ready to perform their ninja duty. For the rest of my trip I observed these ninjas with awe and wonder. At one point in my trip I purchased some masks myself and tried to train parkour in it. That was a terrible idea. 





M Kat

Miyajima: Red by Masumi Taguchi

Hi again ^^

If you read my last blog post, you know that Miyajima already got the stamp of "lovely island-ness" from having beautiful deer reside there. Putting the deer to the side for a moment, please let me show you how the island itself is a wonderland with beautiful bridges and architecture. You will notice how Japan has a specific shade of red that they like to use with their structures - particularly bridges. This red has actually become a favorite color of mine within these last few years, seeing so much of that color imbedded into this island's culture left me in awe.

I did take a creeper photo, which we will call street photography.

On several occasions we saw deer walking underneath this bridge, passing from one side of it to another. 

Itsukushima Shrine <3. Majestically floating in the ocean.

Lucky to have had the company of my husband during this trip.

Next: Okunoshima, Bunny Island

M Kat