Karthika / by Masumi Taguchi

Dear world, let me introduce you to a tender soul.

Surely kind people exist everywhere, but there is something precious about having time to genuinely share time with them.

Karthika is one of those gentle folk.
She & I met about two years ago across the planet.

The beginning of grad school manifested with undergoing a class that proved far more difficult than I anticipated: GIS Fundamentals.
An entire planet away, this kind person decided we would be friends.
Without her support I would not have passed GIS Fundamentals.
Yes, fundamentals.

One year after taking grad school remotely across the globe, I made the grand venture down under.
One year after she saved my dumb butt in that class, I finally got to meet this tender soul.
She willinglly modelled for me in this beautiful city that has I swear, the best coffee ever.

Writing this blog right now, it literally took me by surprise to realise why I asked Karthika to showcase the theme of my shoot that day:

Well duh Masumi.

Film: Portra 400
Model: Karthika
Camera: Pentax 645