First Time Ferret Holding / by Masumi Taguchi

The other day my husband and I went downtown for a little shopping endeavor. A few minutes after entering Director Park we found a ferret on a leash, being walked by his owner and his brother. It was such a cute sight to see. The little ferret was just exploring the sidewalk on his little leash. Being an animal lover, I could not help but approach the man for a photo. 

Taking a photo of him turned into getting a photo taken of myself with the cute little creature.
This is it went:

"Can I take a picture of your ferret? Would you like to be in the shot?"

"You want to hold it?"

Having never held a ferret, lets say I struggled to help the little guy feel comfortable being held. As a chinchilla owner I'm used to holding onto the base of a long tail, but ferrets need their feet held so... this is how I held it haha.

M Kat