Respecting Photography / by Masumi Taguchi

Last week I gained a further love and respect for the craft of photography. Visually I have been rather confident about the art of photography - where you conceptualize an image in your mind, but until last week I have been lacking so much in the ability of refining the craft of it. 

This image is one of my absolute favorite created so far. Given the lighting and the degree of aperture desired, I needed a tripod to take the shot. In the past I was the type of photographer that would not take tripods with me because it didn't allow me to take the photo "in the moment," so to get the image with the specific aperture I wanted I would jack up the ISO. Frankly speaking I was too lazy and didn't find it appealing to bring another photography apparatus. For those who know, higher ISO = noisier images. On our trip to Mt. Tabor I decided to take the tripod with me because I was determined to keep the image quality high and retain the ISO at 100. I am so glad I did, because I feel it made a worlds difference in the quality of the shot.

There is still a lot more I need to learn in terms of photography equipment, but for as of last week, I've gained the appreciation of the tripod for the craft of photography.

More to come.

M Kat