olympus OM-2

Sydney Moments by Masumi Taguchi

Some moments from my trip to Sydney. This trip was probably the trip where I missed my husband the most, as he spent two years of his life there before meeting me. Having met up with some of his friends, I felt like I was tracing his footsteps. Bittersweet experience. Here are some of the things which I captured while roaming around the land of Aussies.

There must have been a school trip to visit the same place as myself. So many little ones (even shorter than myself) in these yellow polo shirts & brown sweaters roaming about. I wonder what they were thinking. 

Student and Sydney University

Sydney Opera House

It's amazing to know that I remember exactly where I was when taking this photo. I guess photos really are a ticket back to a moment once experienced.

Probably one of my favorite images. Taken at the tallest building in Sydney. Sydney was kind enough to demonstrate a height comparison chart with the other tallest buildings in their city. Sydney's was proudly one of the shortest buildings built. 

The passenger sitting in front of me in the train. 

Waited forever like a real creeper to get the right angle of her face to be in view. 

The lovely greener that was in front of the apartment complex that I stayed at. 


Simple Black Dress in Nature by Masumi Taguchi

The other week I had the opportunity to work with fashion model Rachel Dahle at Rocky Butte Park, Oregon. That day Portland received unusual sunshine as it rains most of the time, so with that sun the following is a snippet of the work we created. All of the shots were taken by the Olympus OM-2 on Kodak Portra 400. It is always a privilege when you not only get to work with professionals, but people who have the same vibe with the art concept you have in mind. Ladies and gentlemen, keep an eye out for this lady, I reckon she can make it big. So much talent and kindness.