
Moe Yamamoto: Rain Dance by Masumi Taguchi

Portland has been seeing a lot of rain these days. It's nothing to complain about, given that all of this rain is what makes this beautiful land it's lush green color. About two weeks ago I got to shoot with this ballet dancer Moe Yamamoto, and as forecasted, we had rain visit us. It helped us create such beautiful images. I hope the images speak to you.

We took some time to add a few accessories from fashion stylist Rei Rei Nguyen.

More dance and travel images coming to you soon.

Zouk Instructors: Marissa and Rinaldo by Masumi Taguchi

My Christmas trip back to California was luckily filled with family, friends and photo shoots ^^.

If you're ever down in Southern California, specifically Orange County, give Zouk dancing a try. It's actually my favorite type of partner dancing. There is a beauty about it that is just captivating. I started learning under Marissa last year and have loved it so much that I still practice it up here in Portland. 

In-home Blur Shot Tutorial by Masumi Taguchi

For a little while I had been wanting to play with motion shots, so a week or so ago I went ahead and tried it within my own home. I was very happy with the results so I would like to share with you how it worked. The setting was as follows:

Background: A wall in the dining room, open window to my right.
Lighting: All of the lights in the home were off leaving the room very dark except for the light from the window. When you set up your home you may think "it's way too dark to get images as bright as the ones shown on your page." Just give it a try. You will be surprised how much light will be captured with the following setting given below.
Camera setting: My camera was mounted on a tripod. There were minimal variations between the images, but lets discuss the settings based off of the first photo. The aperture was f/1.8 with the shutter speed at 1.3 seconds. ISO was at 250. The lens: 50mm f/1.4 but a 50mm f/1.8 should do the job just fine. The coloring varies due to post-editing.  

This was such a great project for me because honestly I don't usually like photographing myself, as I honestly don't perceive myself to be quite the beauty queen, but this has helped me a lot in terms of self-confidence and looking at myself from both a photographer's view and as an individual.

For those who give it a try, let me know how it went! Feel free to post your results, I would love to see how you all did. Any questions, leave a comment and I'll get back to you.

M Kat