Portland Photographer

Ceren by Masumi Taguchi

I'm starting with a side thought, because this is my space. 

In this commercialized world, we are often pushed to think about what attire to wear on our bodies. Clothes can help accentuate who we are and also serve as an outward expression of us. Oftentimes it does. What I love about dance is that our souls with our bodies are at that podium. When it comes to dance and attire, in my opinion less is more. When shooting with somebody I want to have the dancer's core speak. I want their soul, working in unison with their body to whisper, shout, cry, mumble, rejoice. The clothes should not constrict the dancer unless it is particularly supposed to.

Moving onto movement. 

Make it Subtle.

When it comes to dance and modeling, I often see big, grand movements. Those are lovely in and of itself, but I prefer to ask the audience to notice the smaller, more subtle motions that are being displayed to have them really focus on the person, to listen to what they are saying.

When a viewer sees a photo, my goal is to have them ask, "why is that girl's hand flopping downward?" "Why is she looking at the hand?" "Why is she looking away?" This of course, all in attempt to have somebody be in the present moment, which is something I personally strive to do more often. As a person who has anxiety, my mind is always in the future, so I love moments where I get to be in the present. 


Block Play by Masumi Taguchi

Hello again.

It's already mid-February. Time has already flown by, and I thought the year had just started. This year commenced with many photo opportunities such as visiting Japan, client gigs and personal work. Thankfully I just recently I have finished up editing most of the images!

On my recent trip back to the white studio, I got to bring in a lovely wooden block (thank you Forge Parkour) and had my dancer get on top of it. The following was the result. I wanted to test out my semi-newly acquired medium format lens in the studio. 

Japan blog posts coming soon. 

M Kat